
Client: Wulvern     Project: Insurance Campaign

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Making ads with impact - on a budget

Wulvern Housing is the largest Housing Association in South Cheshire, providing homes and services for over 11,000 customers across Crewe, Nantwich and a number of Cheshire villages. The organisation provides a choice of high quality, affordable homes including properties for rent, shared ownership, sheltered accommodation and extra care, and homes for people with disabilities.

The brief

Develop a campaign with impact, aimed at Wulvern residents, to explain the risks of being uninsured, and push the key message that customers, not Wulvern, are responsible for contents insurance.

The situation

Wulvern received many calls from distressed residents regarding claims for personal or contents insurance, which aren’t covered by the association. The management knew a letter would not generate enough impact to get the message across.

The solution

We used a small budget but a lot of imagination, recreating two devastating events – a fire and a flood – that would cause enormous impact. We built a small domestic set (out of items from a skip!) and constructed the corner of a room in our company car park. An adorable child’s doll was to be our accident victim, as we first flooded the mock room, taking lots of pictures, then set fire to it, leaving the charred remains behind for photography. The powerful images were used in adverts and direct marketing campaigns to educate and provoke the uninsured into action.

Wulvern was impressed by the delivery and the effort put in to make this work so hard for them with minimal resources.

Recently we’ve also delivered

  • Brochures
  • Adverts both online and offline
  • Exhibition stands
  • Stationery
  • Websites
  • Leaflets, flyers and invites
  • Email campaigns
  • Direct mail
  • Van livery
  • Intranet software
  • Newsletters
  • Forms and documents
  • Signage
  • Promotional merchandise